In a globalized context where societies are increasingly complex and the socio-environmental crisis can no longer be ignored, it is necessary to train professionals with the skills to face and adapt to new challenges. Critical, socially committed people, who are able to collaborate and communicate interdisciplinary to propose solutions to complex problems in a creative and effective way.
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking implies going beyond common sense when observing facts and their interpretations, aspiring to reach greater depth and rigor in the analysis, allowing students to question, analyze and evaluate the foundations that are at the basis of situations and ideas of their own or others, in order to issue a well-founded judgment.
Communication skills
Oral communication is a skill that enables the exchange of information between speakers of the same code. The development of this skill implies structured and coherent organization of the discourse, empathic capacity with the interlocutors, adequate use of paraverbal and nonverbal elements, and efficiency in the transmission and acquisition of information orally.
Problem solving
A problem is understood as the difference between a real situation and an ideal one. The students first attend to the identified problem, applying knowledge and disciplinary methods. Subsequently, through reflection and experience, they develop their own criteria for the resolution of the problem, considering its possible implications and consequences, thus orienting themselves to make pertinent and contextualized decisions for the solution.
Social commitment
It implies the development in students of a genuine interest in the processes that are generated in the social environment of which they are part, that they are critical of these and demonstrate behaviors of professional excellence guided by justice and social transformation.
It is related to the behaviors that people display in work groups that seek to achieve a common goal. Students who are part of a work group must develop attitudes and social and communication skills that will allow them to develop effectively within the group in a cohesive and empathetic manner.