What Is Learning Through Reflection?
Reflection in Service-Learning is defined as a deep and ongoing process in which the academical content, service, values, and attitudes are integrated into the professional and disciplinary work, allowing the experience to be internalised for the development of meaningful learning in each student.
We invite you to explore resources and activities that you can use in your educational spaces, while also sharing good practices to create a collaborative network that fosters the transformation of education.

The ABCs of reflection
A section that provides guidelines for the designing of reflective activities, a search engine with activity examples, and a space to share your own reflective activities.
Resources to Further Exploration
A section in which you can find data, experiences, games and other resources that can help you design your own reflective activities.
Discover More About Learning Through Reflection
A section in which you can discover more about the reflective process in Service-Learning by reading academic journals and other sites of interest.

Guide to Address Heritage in Educational Spaces (Available in Spanish Only)

Teacher Self-Evaluation and Reflection for Improving Teachers’ Professional Competence in the Knowledge Society (Available in Spanish Only)