This section contains various sources of evidence and information that support the importance of reflection as a strategy for integrating knowledge, content, and experiences that arise from the execution of a service project.
What Is Reflection in Simple Words?
The reflective process involves contemplating what is happening in the world, our own experiences and those of others, as well as our role in the society. When we reflect, critically examine these thoughts against our knowledge, allowing us to question what is right or wrong, why does the need we are addressing exists, what does this service experience means, and what can I do as a professional to face this reality, among other considerations.
Why is Reflection Important?
The challenge of implementing reflective activities in SL courses and developing an effective strategy lies in encouraging students to ask themselves the right questions. These questions enable them to critically engage with their experience and articulate their thoughts, allowing them to organize and express their ideas. This process fosters intellectual understanding of the activities conducted during the implementation of the SL project (Brockbank & McGill, 2002).
Does Reflection Have an Impact on Learning?
Reflective processes have been proven effective in fostering meaningful learning by enabling students to connect new knowledge with what is already established in their cognitive structure (Ausubel, 2003). Therefore, reflection is understood as the foundation for the ongoing updating of knowledge.
What Is the Theory Behind Reflection?
One of the theories that help us better understand the reflective process is Klob’s Experiential Learning Cycle (1984). The cycle begins with a Concrete Experience (C.E.), where the student engages in an initial experience or action, leading to a critical analysis of its own practise, also known as Reflective Observation (R.O.). Then Abstract Conceptualisation (A.C.) occurs, where observations are integrated and applied alongside other sources of information to make the experience meaningful. Finally, an Active Experimentation is conducted (A.E.), keeping in mind the implications of their work and potential solutions to the problems, formulating hypotheses or action strategies that can be tested again in the next Concrete Experience (Pacheco, 2003).
How Important Is It to Plan a Reflective Strategy?
Planning a strategy is essential because it encompasses the services, skills, and learning developed throughout the course. A strategy goes beyond merely planning a reflective activity; it involves considering the before, during, and after of the service, ensuring that the experience is meaningful and connected to the discipline or career in which the students are engaged. To plan a reflective strategy, various activities can be employed to support each moment of Service-Learning.